Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Earmold - Part of BTE hearing Aids

An ear mold is a piece of plastic or other soft material moulded to precisely fit in the ear and to deliver the sound from a BTE hearing aids.

The earmold is connected to the hearing aid with a tiny tube. The earmold is tailor made for you. Usually you have to go so that they would make ear impressions and prepare a mold that fits your hearing canal and pinna.

There are several types of earmold that go with BTE hearing aids. Choosing the right type depends on aesthetics, convenience and audiologist aspects.

The types are usually named after how they look or after the part of the ear that they fit into.

Keep in mind that the manufacturers might give their own names, but these are the basic and probably the most common.

Canal earmold

The smallest earmold, fills the hearing canal only. Some manufacturers add some small piece to hold it better in place.

Skeleton earmold

Very comfortable earmold. It’s really easy to place it in the ear because it fits right inside the concha but doesn’t fill it completely. This structure gives good grip of the ear. It should be sufficient even for severe hearing loss.

Shell earmold

Totally fills the concha. Suitable for the deepest hearing loss. The most significant advantage of shell earmold is that it seals the ear. This enables you to have high amplification and yet to have no feedback that causes these annoying high tones. This is what makes it great for deep hearing loss.

There are several types of earmold 
please visit : *www.allamericanmold.com/html/ear_molds2.html